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The Golden Years


After the Hutterites survived persecution and suffering the ‘Golden Period’ which lasted from 1565-1592 began.

During this time the community grew rapidly, and by 1621 there were around 102 Communities with a total population of 20 000 to 30 000.

The members of the colonies were engaged in a variety of different economic activities.  Some of them included wagon making, cutlery, leather working, nursing, pharmacy, shoe making, pottery making, watch making, and weaving.  There were also barbers, surgeons, coppersmiths, tinsmiths, and locksmiths. Because of their reputation as hard workers they were hired by many of the Lords in Moravia and Slovakia.

They also had doctors that were superior to the other doctors in Europe and some Lords sent for Hutterian doctors to meet their medical needs.

During this time, Hutterites established the first kindergartens, 270 years before the first ones opened in Germany.  At that time Caspar Braitmichel began writing the History Chronicle (Das Kleine Geschicht Buch).

During the Golden Period,  the Bruderhöfe were very well organized and prosperous and mission work was carried out more than ever before or after that.

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