The simplest answer to this question is also the best one. To pay for our sins.
But, why do our sins need to be paid for? Do they carry such far-reaching consequences?
In society there are laws. There have to be, to protect the innocent and to ensure that everything runs smoothly, orderly, and efficiently. And if those laws are broken then there are consequences and a price has to be paid. Sometimes monetarily, sometimes with community work, sometimes with jail time and sometimes with life itself — as in the death penalty.
In God’s far reaching cosmic society it’s no different. He has laws for the universe, stars, galaxies, planets and he has laws for us.
So what happens when we break his divine laws? How do we pay? Well, since we can’t reconcile or ‘pay’ our offenses directly to God, our debts just keep adding up, driving us further and further away from God, reconciliation and salvation.
We think ”Why can’t God just wave his hand, sweep away our debt and say it’s all good, humans are only poor sinners, they don’t really mean to transgress?”
Well, that argument doesn’t work in our legal system and much less can it work in God’s. If we break God’s divine law there are going to be real and severe consequences, and somebody, somewhere is going to have to pay.
God’s laws are absolute and it’s impossible for them to be changed or amended in any way. The only way for our transgressions to be rectified with God is through God himself. To send His only begotten Son down to earth to be born as a human, to live as a human, (with human pains, needs and emotions), and to die as a human, but with one major difference; without a spot or a blemish, that is without sin. Only He who had never sinned was deemed worthy to take on the sins of the world, to carry them to Calvary and there pay for them — while nailed naked to the cross for all the world to see — with his suffering, pain, blood and finally, His life.
John 3:16 ”For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
So there we have it, all our sins and transgressions paid for, but only, and only, if we come to Jesus, believe in Him, and hand Him our bill that’s owing with all the divine laws we broke. Only then will he give us a receipt that’s signed with His own blood saying ‘Paid in Full.’